Monday, January 16, 2012

My Gift to you...

When I was serving in the Himalayans, many asked when am i going to plan for a child.
Both Loong and I knew that we will only have a child after completing our season in the himalayans. While we thought in our human minds, only after we return back to Thailand, God has His own timing.

During our last 3months before completing our season, there was such voice in the spirit that says, "My Gift to you..." and later, indeed was a gift of a child.
This gift not only brought joy to our lives but also a sign from God that we were drawing near to the end of Season in the Himalayan. We both were not overjoyed about ending our season. It was tough, especially for me.

Looking back now, I know it was a clear sign for me to "let go" and time for a period of rest in Him.