Friday, November 21, 2008

THx Giving!!!

Okiez.... i'm going to make this short coz i'm super busy & stress preparing a sharing at another church... ahhhhh.....

yesterday, loong & i went down to ICA to see if he gets his extended visa approve. We are quite nervous cos if he doesn't get it, loong has to leave spore & the question will be where & how long??? Okie, they asked a few questions, show our marriage cert & my I/C, there we got a letter of approval. Just so simple... we really thank God for that. 

To also update u guys,.... we are planning to leave on the 6th Jan (Tue) for N.p. STill praying for the air-tickets to drop further in price... so far from 1400+ has dropped to 1300+. Still asking the Lord's favor to be on us & funds to come in in-time for us to fly.

Guess I will have to readjust back to where He calls me... this period staying in Spore has been really fruitful & enjoyable one too... managed to attend 2 of my gal-frenz weddings & one coming up in Dec... & of course also my own wedding.

I just have to Thank God for so many things in my life especially this period of my life...
- providence for all the expenses for my wedding
- a place to stay while i'm back in spore
- witnessing all my close frenz weddings
- my laptop crashed when i'm back here in spore (hahahaha.. get to fix it here..)
- a great time together with Loong (esp honeymoon.. seeing God's creation)
- frenz who showed concern regards to our financial support eventhough we have been living on 1 person's support for over 4months & no allowances but God still provide for us... 
- no longer do i talk to loong over skype or msn but face to face... (feels like i just started pa-toing hahahha)

so much more to give thanks...

Continue to keep us in your prayers as we prepare to leave..

Monday, November 17, 2008

Juz tried out something new....

Hi All... guess u must be thinking whatz this something new I tried... is not very new to many of you.... I'm just slow in catching this... FACEBOOK... haahahha (bet most of u are laughin.. :P)

Okie u may add me in... my new email is

WIll come back to blogging soon I complete my work & have time to blog...

juz me, gloglo

2nd page of my Sept Newsletter

Wrote in Late Sept before i got married...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A little about me and the place He calls me

Permanent House for Sophia Home and expansion

Here i like you to take some time to pray and even give others my blog so they can view this
video(Child sex workers - Nepal)-MUZ WATCH, more children - girls are still facing this situation.

Sophia Home exist to help these girls to be saved from trafficking. Currently, we have 29 girls with us. Our goal in 2010, is to extend this help up to 50 girls. We will need to also find a permanent home for these girls. Now all 29 girls together with staffs are staying on a cramped rental premise. We are not able to extend due to space constrain. 

Please pray alongside with us, as we will need more funds - 250,000sing to be raised. We pray that this fund will be raised fast so that we can purchase the land/property before prices rises again.

Phulbari New Church Building - Check tis Out!

Couldn't sleep....

I decided to blog simply bcoz i can't sleep... wonder was it the coffee i had or am i getting alittle stress with my wedding preparations?? or....

I have been back for 1 month and attached to church for 2weeks already. I miss meeting up with people, catching up with friends, ministering to people, giving bible study... - these are things i do oftenly in N.p.

I miss the girls in Sophia home and some of them are placed specially in my heart by God that i will not forget to pray for them and often think of them. Some thing is happening there but i do not know... still waiting to hear from them.

These days, i get angry easily... think i'm in my stress mode especially with the marriage preparation and work given to me on hand, i am struggling to strike a balance. But when i shared this as a prayer item during staff meeting, i'm very very encouraged by Ps Wong's words. She said don't worry about the work on hand, focuse more on the wedding for it is once in a lifetime and they will understand.

I'm encouraged and i was teary but heehee i controlled well. But with my task orientated charater, i really feel that i still need to complete the tasks given to me even though i am preparing for my wedding. I can't convince myself using office hrs to do my personal stuff...
So i been either staying up late to do my wedding things or i will be doing up church work so that i can complete the task asap.

Loong has been really a great encouragement to me. I really appreciate him more and more each day and i can't wait to have him around... i need extra pair of hands to help hahhahaha

The biggest challenge for me is, in the mist of all these work n prep, is to sit at the feet of Jesus. I know i need to be still before Him and know and really know that He is God of my everything. I want to be doing that daily at least a solid 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr at night. Pls pray alongside with me.

There's just so much i want to be doing but which is to be done first in God's timing? I need to hear Your Voice.

Tonight i couldn't sleep but i'm glad to have spent a gd time playing the guitar and worship God. Such peace n love i am feeling now...

Thank U God for your Word again
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight."

Monday, August 18, 2008

See How Much i Walk!!! Anyone keen to join me?

Click the website and see the video i made for those who are keen to join me to go East Nepal

Below is another video clip done by Yishun Methodist Church

Monday, July 7, 2008

Felt like i was dropped down from Mount Everest...

Since 3months ago, HRC (Himalayan Rock for Christ) - a band that i joined as a sound technician, we started our practices twice a week for 2-3hrs each prac. And 2 days before the Praise Festival which was yesterday, we played at Singma - restaurant. The sound was great for everyone and all the band members enjoyed playing and singing. It was a confident pusher event for everyone of us.

I seeked for pryers as this is the 1st time HRC is holding this Praise Festival combining with another Xtian Band, and I was stress over the setting of the sound board as our band was the 2nd band to be leading. We had an hr sound checked and everyone were happy with the sound check. I jot down every single knob on the individual channels and my confident level was as high as everyone in the band too. Then after that the other band did their sound check and I left the place to get a quick bite as i was hungry.

The entire hall was jam packed. A hall that caters to 700 people, we even filled the steps with 2-3 rows of ppl. We estimated about 900++people came and there were some standing up too.
When the dancers kicked in then the other band led the everyone to a time of worship, it was beautiful.

But as i listened carefully, i realized it was not coming out from the housespeakers but only from the stage monitors and amplifiers. (those of u whose ears are trained to hear, u get what i mean even though i may be standing way up away from the stage...) I gave my feedback to the sound crew of the other band and i didn't want to interfere and i stepped back.
Their band used up a full 32channel board and they have 20plus ppl in the band, so even when the housespeakers actually failed, their band didnt sound that obvious that something was wrong unless u stand in front of the speakers or your ears are trained to hear and i am serious about ears trained to hear.

Then came HRC. Our band is made up of only 13ppl on stage. I came on to the sound board and i had 10mins to get all the knobs adjusted back to the position i had for sound checked. And when the 1st song played, the sound which initially didn't come out from the housespeakers became very very obvious for our band due to the size. And i re-checked all my settings-nothing wrong with the sound board. I panicked and tried to troubleshoot the problem. I sent the sound crew (sound company guys) to check the speakers and so on and so forth....

The entire band was horrified and panicked too... ahhhhhh..... nightmare for me....

To cut the story short, we troubleshoot the problem only at the 4th song... someone, turned down the compressor for the entire system of which there was an agreement between the sound technicians of both bands and the sound company that we will not touch their equalizers nor their compressors after sound has been checked - only the sound board.

For the past 3events i worked with this sound company, nothing went wrong and really enjoyed the working relationship and i trust them and they trust me...

We did an investigation with the sound company, we can't exactly point our fingers at anyone, but our band and the sound company know that neither myself nor the sound company guys touched that....

Anyway, after yesterday's event, i literally felt like i was dropped down from Mount Everest. I was in total shocked, felt embarrass, couldn't worship, i just teared as i was packing up... Many nice brothers and sisters -in-Christ, came and encouraged me and Thank me for the good job, but i don't feel that i even deserved those praises...

My band members all encouraged me and i couldn't say a single word out but tears just kept running down my cheeks... and even today's briefing, all of them assured me again and acknowledges my capability and said they all had a good sound check and for the next praise festival, if we are combining, there should only be 1 sound engineer and they all said, i should be the sound engineer.... I'm so touched by all of them... and I'm very very thankful to God for giving me such a sweet group of band members whom i can be serving together with...

Though the entire event seem to be a failure, all of us may be discouraged but we all agreed that we are all on the right track and also this brings greater unity among all of us.

I will have to feel proud of this, my band members were so encouraging, they encouraged me with touch, hugs and words even though it was horrible feeling for me... the other band's sound crew was been accused and blaming him for the faults by the band members... i felt bad for him but on the other hand I'm proud to present to all of you reading this blog -

My Band - H.R.C - Himalayan Rock for Christ!!

(Ps Erick-Acoustic Guitarist, Shanti-Vocal manager, Puii-Worship leader, Kim-Worship Leader, Asheley- Vocalist, Vesh- Worship Leader, Binod- Worship Leader, Michael- Worship Leader, Chuba- Worship Leader, Moa- Lead E.Guitarist, Te-ja- Rhythm E.Guitarist, Ah-to- Bassist, James-Keyboardist and Gloria-Sound Engineer)

All Glory be to God Who Sits Upon the Throne

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Role... a wife to my husband

" However, let each man of you (without exception) love his wife a (being in a sense) his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband (that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him and love and admires him exceedingly)" Eph 5:33 (amp)

When i read this verse either NIV or NKJV version does not hit me as hard as this amplified version. I realized that my role as a wife-to-be towards Loong, my husband-to-be, I have to Notice him, Regards him, Honors him, prefers him, venerates and esteems him, defers to him, praises n love n admires him EXCEEDINGLY!

God spoke to me about areas i need to change and to be playing the role as God intended wives to be as to their husbands. God created Adam first and then God finds that it is no good for Adam to be alone and came Eve from the rib of Adam's. God intended woman to be a helper of her man. In the bible, there are a few prominent events of how women being such an influence - Eve inflence Adam to take the fruit of knowledge, Sarah influence Abraham to sleep with the maid, Queen Esther influence the King...etc

Though most examples i pointed out here, shows the negative influence of women over men, it also shows the "power of influence" women have over men.

My prayer is that, I will be changed by the H.S's help to be the woman, God intended me to be, the power of influence God made me to have over my husband will be of a good influence and a godly helper for my husband.

I'm working towards being a wife that God wants me to be

Dear Heavenly Father,

let me(gloria, wife-to-be of Loong)see that I (glo) respects and reverences Loong that I(glo) notices him (Loong), regards Loong, honors Loong, prefers Loong, venerates and esteems Loong; and that I (glo)defers to Loong, praises Loong and love and admires Loong exceedingly
(Eph 5:33- prayer)

Love u Lord, In Your Precious Son's Name

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another 1 & half month more...

Time passes by so fast and now i left 1.5 month in this country before i head back home for a good 6months.

So many things are on my mind and i'm now training 2 girls to be teaching in the Sunsch while i am away. Just 2wks ago, we launched the children ministry - Wesley Mighty Club. That very same wkend, we had a youth camp too. about 50 youths came to participate. A team from Yishun MC, came and also 2 dance professionals came to join us in this camp. The entire camp was successful but not that it is without any frustration. To work with different organizers and people (diff. culture) causes lots of tension.

Sad to know that, even the girls from sophia home were complaining about someone being unfair in the camp and giving the points to other teams bcos they are from this person's chch.

Overall, could see that our girls are being exposed to mix with other youths and get to see a different set of youths of the capital- their expressions, their thoughts...etc

It has been a busy wk but i sure enjoy hosting the teams from Spore. Probably is bcos i get to see Sporeans:)

Indeed He is the Provider!!! I was just thinking and really keen in getting a pair of hiking shoes(waterproof) due to the places that i go and weather too... the brooks that i got from SAF, just over used by me in all weather... a kind lady, dragged me to aside and asked me to have a look at the hiking shoes in a shop. She said that i should get a pair of gd shoes and it is important to have a gd pair since i walked alot... so i hesitated and i turned to her and look in her eyes, she said, just try and don't worry. At that moment, i was very touched and excited. With much embarassment i tried and she purchased it for me. I appreciated the lady very much and most importantly is that i know it was HIM who placed an impression on her heart.

Thank U for Your Providence in all things! Anyone out there who feels that u are lacking of something or in need for something? I can testified His goodness to the very point of paying off my rent here...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I always dreamt of this and it came true...

Eversince i heard the call of G in my life, i always dreamt of open preaching & showing J.Film show in the village... Just a few days ago, local Pastor, 6girls, 1 young adult, loong and myself set off to a village which is 5hrs drive away from the capital. We literally brought everything to get this event run smoothly... generator, spare diesel, petrol, speakers, mics, laptop, projector..etc

We woke up at 430am and with a few stops inbetween the journey, we arrived at about 1230pm. The journey was pretty smooth except for some of our girls vomitting on the way... upon arriving, rain clouds started to gather and soon it poured. We all prayed and of course some of us had little faith and started planning to do the event the next day. Anyway, i was remindered of James- "double minded".
We had a good rest before the whole programe and the rain still on & off pouring. Just as we were setting up the equipments, it started to drizzle again... with people around us saying this program will be a flop and don't even bother to set it up, just pack up and go... we persisted and we trusted Him.

When we decided to start the program, the rain STOP!!! Praise the Lord!!!

Estimated about 900-1000 people came for this event. We showed a local Christian Movie and because we started late, we ended the whole program at about 1100pm. (Confession: I fell into short sleep inbetween the film:P) We later found out that some villagers had to walk back to their home & they reached home about 1am in the morning!!!!

The very next day, we went tracting. Though i can't speak or share with them, i got my girls to give it out with me and they became my translators....

Besides the entire event, i thank God for a great time to spend with the 6 girls. They all were "high in sugar". We couldn't stop talking and laughing even in wee hours in the morning until we got a knock to remind us to keep it low in volume and sleep early... even how tire i was, i too became high in sugar due to the biscuits i took instead of dinner at 1130pm. YES SUGAR HIGH.... hahahaha

there's just simply so much i like to blog about this trip but i know it will be boring for my readers... therefore i shall put a stop to here...

I need ur prayers!
- Due to tireness, shoulders aching & down with flu package but recovering now
- Piles of work esp video editing yet to start for 4videos
- Marriage prep... going through counselling now...
- Camp coming up on 7th & 8th (expecting 80-100 youths)
- Band prac for a Praise Festival (Big challenge , the band i am in will not be the only band performing but another band too, so stress on the sound board side... no one to help me hahahah)

another time of me writing....

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Check-Points in our lives...

" Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by complusion but WILLINGLY, not for dishonest gain but eagarly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.... God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God..." 1pet5:2-6

Being a servant of God, this is a great reminder to the team & myself here...(Checkpoints)

1) Serve God's sheep Not by COMPULSION BUT WILLINGLY
How many times have we serve in the different areas started off with a willingness in our hearts and at the later part of our ministry, we started doing it as a drag? we started to feel like a burden, we started to complain, we started to "Oh man, not another one..."

2) Not for dishonest gain BUT EAGERLY
What's the heart attitude when we do things eagerly? Is it bcos we want something out for doing certain thing? Are we doing things so that we can gain something profitable for ourselves?
Let's check on our hearts and when we serve the Lord, we should be serving the Lord we an eagerness in our heart.

3) Not lords over them BUT BEING EXAMPLES to the flock
What is our heart attitude being leaders? Is it bcos of power/authority we have? Don't fall into satan's trap.... Remember how satan tempt J.Christ? "bow to me and i will give you the power, riches of this world..."

Watch our spiritual walk, do not stumble our sheeps. Being examples to the flock as they are being Entrusted to us by God.

4) Who is the Chief Shepherd?
Have we forgotten who is the True Chief SHepherd???? Have we tried /attempt to take the place of the Chief Shepherd? Watch our position & our thoughts!

5) Have we become Proud?
Have we become proud as we serve? Don't forget God gives grace to the humble and resist the proud.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Makes me Wonder...

When i was at the East and looking at the lives of the people there, i started wondering about the lives of the children....

What determines a good future? Doesn't every country has its own defination of good future? Sophia Hm maybe made up of 0.0001percent of children in this country (bad estimation ahhahaha) and we provide them a shelter to stay, regular meals, clothes to wear, school to be educated...etc Is this considered a good future? i hesitate at times... is this our spore definition or is this the world's definition??? This entire country is filled with children who is not educated, who live their lives with their parents working real hard - pushing carts, making crafts... really trying to get something on the next meal...

Probably what Mother Teresa is right about helping the poor & needy to the point that whatever she can do she did it with no thoughts of where the money is going to come from? Whether is it enough for tomorrow? With this amount of money she has for the day, she used it all to help whoever she can help on the very day...

The fact is, we have to separate the children from their parent/s or if they have any... that is something hurting but is there a choice i sometime wonder... on one hand, i know their spirits are saved through this home and in a way, everything else just doesn't matter any longer to me... am i being real? Yes! Cause nothing beats eternity vision.

Have i got anyone saved eversince i entered this country? No... but i am sure that i have impacted lives that will impact lives where there is no language barrel, no culture barrel cos it is their very own ppl impacting their own countryman/woman too.

This year's resolution is to make greater impact, influence the believers to influence others...

Some pics of me in the East

Monday, May 5, 2008

Over the Mountains and MOuntains...

I survived walking from mountain to mountain and staying from one village to another, visiting one church to another church...

I really have to share this testimony to all of you...

Before returning back to the field, i had problems with my back and when i came back into the field, my knees gave way a few times just 3wks before i head to the East...

Throughout the whole journey, though my back is aching due to the "bed" that i slept on still moving well, my knees were in excellent condition... i felt the knee pain only when i came back to the capital...but now i am much better.

my stomach didn't have any trouble too during this whole journey but i may have put on a little weight hahahaha due to the amount of food i am blessed by the love of the villagers. They just can't stop feeding me with tonnes n tonnes of rice and dishes. I felt bad on one hand. Being a guest of theirs, they will serve meat and most of the time is from their own little "farm".

Cuturally, the people have meat once a month or during festivals only. They can't afford to have them every meals. I too get to sit at the table to eat & eat first before the family does. This is something i was uncomfortable with as i really want to eat like them sitting on the floor and eat with them but they kept insisting and with the delay, they will eat even later which makes matter worst.

Our brother Chandra (evangelist), takes care of the 2 preaching point with have. And i visited both preaching points this trip. I been to Badamtar before when i arrived here on the 4th day and was sent out to the village during winter for video taking.

We started our journey with a 14 hour bus ride from the capital to the East.

1st trip was to where brother Chandra now lives - Jarsing Gaun. we will need to take a bus up for 2hrs and walk 15mins down slope to his house. and from his house, about 30mins to walk down steeper slope to the preaching point where we have a hut for fellowship. And there next to it, lived a family of believers. We stayed for "cha" (tea) and prayed and head back to bro. Chandra's house which is 45-60 mins walk up slope.

After 1 night in his house, (Oh!! did i mention loong is also on this trip with me???) we left house at 830 to Badamtar. It is all the way down the mountain to the other mountain. (song: she'll be coming round the mountain when she come...)

We stopped at 2believers' house to hand them some letters and took the time to rest too. Loong and i hated this yogurt drink (Lassi) and we were served with this drink. We looked at each other and knew we had to finish whatever given to us - cultural trained... not as bad as the one i tried in the capital but still y___(u fill in the blanks)

It took us 4hrs to reach badamtar with a little breaks in between. The locals here do not carry lots of things with them not even a bottle of drink. And here comes 2 foreigners with their bags full of clothes, bottle of water, medication and toiletries... sleeping bags too hahahahha

We stayed 1 night in church and had service the next day and set back to the city of which will take 2 hrs by foot to get a bus (30mins ride) to reach the city to stay in a guest house for 1 night and we took a plane back to the capital. i can't imagine taking another 14hr bus ride back but thank God i'm taking the plane back. This trip also helped Loong to see the work that we have in the village and at times we need to visit the work or accompany teams to go down to these villagers.

Anyway, it was an enjoyable trip and i am now recuperating from the journey... i need my bed again.... zzzzzzzzz

Sunday, April 27, 2008

buzz buzz buzz.... busy me..

Been a long and tiring week for me... had workshops to attend, school to go & studying for my exam...

Physically really a challenge as i was just recovering from a team and then came another group. Mentally also tiring as i had to be on "alert" all the time for any policies change or things to take note of... feels like a secretry for a while hahahaha...

But after all these... i get to see Loong :) and that kind of lifted my soul... i know i have neglected him for this period of buzzing here and buzzing there and i can hardly have time to talk to him... I am so glad everything is over for now... now got some time to Pak-Tor... hahahaha

This coming Tue i will be traveling to the EAST with Loong to attend a graduation, to take video for 2 village churches. Guess wat?! I get to trek to the village... 3-4 hrs trek.. so exciting!!! And will be staying up there too... pray pray no mosquitoes to attack... i hate these things... i wonder why did God made them hahahah

Oh the weather will be super duper hot! Think i will be chao-ta by the time i come back to the capital. I will be there for 8-10days and also will be joining in for one of the outreach event... Wonder if my stomach is ready to eat the BIG portion of food the villagers going to serve me... those who been up here will know what i mean by the portion - BIG like mount everest... and no choice I got to FINISH ALL... culturally very sensitive and wat more i am a M here...

okie dokies i got to catch up with my rest and pack my lugguage for this journey... 14 hrs bus ride and will be trekking for long hrs of which the roads are really steep and rocky... PRAY PRAY PRAY...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

13 April is A Brand New Year and brand New Life for 2 Sophia Girls

Today is New Year for this country & because of the election, no one pays any attention to this new year. But today is a great day for many of us as we come together to celebrate 4 of our church members baptism of which, 2 are from our Sophia home.

I am really excited and happy & encouraged too to see 2 of our girls making this decision on their own and making this public declaration of their faith too.
My Short interview with them

Me: " Jina, tell me about how u are feeling right now."
Rojina:" i am feeling happy."
Me: " What is baptism to u?"
Rojina: " I am to die with Christ and to raise together with Christ."
Me:" Soma! How are u feeling?"
Somaya's reply: " I am feeling scare..."
Me: " Scare in good sense or bad sense?"
Somaya: " In good sense Di Di..." (she shys off)

Then, in the evening, we had a little program put up by our small girls in the home as a gesture to celebrate New Year. We all got ourselves into some kind of involvement in performing, dancing and singing. And we ended off with FOOD!!!

I enjoyed my New Year very much, seeing my girls being baptized is the most encouraging moment while in Np. I am looking forward to see more of my girls coming forward to say that they will like to be baptized too in the following year.

Thank U Lord for your death & ressuraction that today 4 of them have made a public declaration. May u watch over them as they continue and take another step of Faith to go deeper in their relationship with u.

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

1 of my many favorites...

Overflow of His Greatness & Excitment!!!

Been a tiring week for me but I am energized up by what He is doing in my life and my girls life in sophia home.

Before the team from WSCS arrived, i managed to go out to stock up food in my house due to the uncertainty of the situation - Election day. Don't you think polling/voting day is peaceful here, it can actually be worst than the 2006 "peoples movement" resulting in 13,000 death. But really only could be Him - Prince of Peace. The very day of polling is very peaceful. Only a few blood shed, 2 bomb blast in the capital (1 or 2 day before voting day)... you must be thinking what peace is that glo u talking about??!?!! This is really considered peaceful for the percentage of death toll and the degree of violence. Okie i better don't continue or will scare you guys off from coming here...

I have lots of thanks giving to share:
- 2 or 3 days before the bomb blast near the hospital, I was at the hospital visiting one of my girl's mother who had to go through for an operation.
- 1 day before the bomb blast, i walked passed that place twice to get some of the team's stuff exchanged due to faultiness of the item and i was with 2 of my sophia home girls
- The very day of explosion, i was with the team and decided to go to Mangal Bazaar instead of another place where it is near the bomb blast.

This itself is a testimony of God's protection and grace upon me.

- I managed to send the WSCS team to the airport by hoping on the very bus the hotel had arranged and also get to help my Thai friend to get a ride too and we took a private authorized vehical back to our home safely. (the day for voting, no vehicals are allowed to be on the street so everyone walks to go and vote)

Back to where i was saying about stocking up food in my house, i delibrate asked 1 girl to come with me and is the very girl that i mentioned in my previous blog that i couldn't have personal time spend with, yup i got her to come with me to shop. While walking to the different places, we spend time talking and when reached my house, we took some time to talk deeper and prayers too. She was shocked by the questions that i asked as those were questions that she has in her heart but do not know how to go about getting her answers...

I am so so excited by the overflowing greatness and filled with excitment as i spend more time with my girls and hear from God what He wants to speak to them individually.

2 of my girls are going to be baptized this Sun as this Sun is also their new year day. I am really excited and touched by God's hands working in the mist of their hearts and they are serious about their salvation and taking the step of public declaration and also like what Rom 6 talks about being baptized in Jesus' death and ressuraction with Him - a new creature in Him.

Though physically i maybe very tire and recovering, but my spirit is just so energized up and i know whenever i do things beyond my own strength, it is His strength that substains me through...

Guess i just need to sleep early and wake up late these days.... (gd excuse hahhaha)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

It Could Only be Him...

Had a tiring week battling with some spiritual issues and i know i have won the victory but physically i need a good rest...

I simply follow the leading of the HS to talk to some of my girls and there was breakthrough within their lives. 1 girl felt condemnation within herself & also her sister... 1 girl felt confuse and felt that she is a burden to her family... and 1 was dealing with issues of pride... but all these girls have walked out all these in victory...

I have never moved into this area so strongly in sophia home but it is time... the girl who felt condemed, immediately, there was restoration by the HS. The girl who felt confuse and a burden to her mother, she said less then 5 sentenses and with my own finite mind that's all i could know but only the Lord's opening of my spiritual eyes & ears, I was used by Him to speak words that pierced right into her heart. She just can't stop tearing and those tears were tears of victory to me as i know the evil one is working hard within this ministry to destroy but he lost! The one dealing with pride, broke through when i felt to challenge her to go and hug 1 of the sister to be reconciled.

I am just a vessal whom the Lord uses to speak to them... i take no glory cos i know if is my own works, it will not be moving strong... Our girls are experiancing the move of God within their lives... i am excited...

1 more girl to go to talk to but time is not on my side and i think the evil is trying hard to make me to avoid talking to her. Today, i shared on 1 john 4 with all the girls and taught on the leading of the HS and testing the Spirit. So many of them have experiance the move of God over the past week and they really became excited to hear more. This girl came to me and said, " DiDi, you have something to tell me right?" so the other girls who were being taught to respect the time that God wants to spend with individual started to show respect to what the girl wanted to know what the Lord has been speaking to me about her. But there are others who are also not in the group so i don't think is the right time so i told her, when is time, you will get to know but keep praying. With that excitment in her, i was glad and know she is ready to listen.

Another breakthrough, today, i bought a cake to celebrate our girls bday as i heard 3 months they have forgotten to celebrate. But anyway, my bday was also being celebrated. When was asked who would like to pray for me, the new girl - Diki raised her hand and said she wants to pray for me. Everyone was shocked because she is not a believer yet but she is keen in praying a blessing for me. I could see that she really open herself up to me and would come to hug and play with me when i come to sophia home. I only knew her for 1 wk and she was willing to do that i was surprised.

Oh gosh 1 more to thank God about was, when the Lord was leading me to gather the older girls to pray about bringing in 2 other girls, we obeyed what the Lord was leading us to and we simply inform them that we will accept but on the other hand, that very day was also the last day of transport to come into the capital and the next bus will be after election and we will take that as a sign that God does not want us to keep the 2 girls.

1.5 days passed, the 2 girls arrived. They are very under mal-nourished and our older girls also could see it could only be God who spoke to them about bringing them while praying and we voted with their eyes closed and majority vote that they felt God's peace to bring them in and God honor that by bringing the girls to board the last bus too...

All these are all just amazing and i am here to testify the goodness of God and nothing else but It Could Only be Him... i'm awe and humbled by Him.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sch here and sch there.... back to student life

Coming to a month back here and also i am currently also studying for a Master's in Divinity in a theological school here...

Church History is the 1st session sound so exciting hor... hahahhaa

To be frank, the topic is exciting but not the person who is teaching... I enjoy history generally as it helps me understand why things turn out the way now is all due to the past histories.

So now my life is morning language tuition & then if i can squeeze time, i will head down to sophia home and then rush down to the theological sch (KIT). Why rush? Time always flies off so quickly when i am with my girls....

The first wk i was not able to spend time with them as i was busy with a guest, showing her routes to go about and not she is independent already hahahaha.... our girls had also finished their exams and now is play time i guess.... we been playing our own style of cricket and i will be organizing a football match this coming wkend... oh and then is my exam this Mon on history.... i completed my assignment(40%), 12page writing on Theological controversies of the early church, and this mon is mid exam which stands 20% and final exams on the 7th will be 40%... sound so stress huh hahahaha...

i think next topic on the 14th Apr is Gospel of John... yea... i really enjoy that very much when i was studying in Rhema...

Oh this KIT is a part time course so is 2 hrs at least daily from 4-6pm and i will only graduate with a M.Div after 3 years hahahah.... and guess what?! i will not be graduating in 3 yrs time as i will be heading back Spore for my wedding... i will just earn the credits and if is the Lord's will for me to continue, i get to continue with these credits...

Oh i have another exciting news for those who know Sophia home girls.... we have an email account for them and i will be teaching them to email. So you guys can always wrte to them erm not just guys okie i meant gals n guys hahahahah

Monday, March 17, 2008

Nothing beats love from your very own family...

Its midnight here, i just finished watching a show "Into the Wild". Talks about a teenager who did very well in his education later ran away after giving all his money away and was never to be found again till his death which is 3yrs later i think. The reason why he ran away from home simply because he didnt have a happy home and felt life there's more to fame, money...etc.

At the last phase of his life, he felt total loneliness and he tried to get out of the wild and head home but he was trapped in the wild. And just before his death, he wrote these words in the book, "happiness is to be shared".

I simply cried not becos is a sad movie but it made me think about my family back home...

1 of my girls from the home left us last Dec simply because her uncle is willing to take care of her. She is an orphan. Both her parents died of AIDS and was living with aged grandma. We took her in simple because she is an orphan. She expresses that didn't want to come back to us because she didn't want to leave all alone. She isn't alone... she is with other 26 girls. But deep inside her is still a longing to be her family though her parents may have gone. We are happy to give her up as nothing beats the Love & Care showered from her family.

I love my family back home very dearly and i miss them dearly too... and i knew the Lord had also given me love from a family in church when i was going through devastating period of my life when i came to know the Lord. No matter how much love they have showered in my life, i will not forget but it still can't beat love from my very own parents...

I write this as a tribute to my parents that no matter what had happen, i still love and respect them. I cried because i can't be with them now. I am crying because i didn't grow up with having both of them in my life. I am crying because now i am not even seeing them growing old.

Is this what Christ was saying, "Come, follow me."?

I will have to say though is a struggling process but nothing beats being in the right place where He calls me to be. I know and i just know and know and know...

If i am not out here, i will not be even blogging this...

Back to where I am called...

Been a long time since i blog... 2months plus already has flew pass with a short glimsp of Singapore and now back here. A short summary of my stay back in SIngapore
- fruitful, get to go for cells, church services, meeting up with friends and relatives.
- refreshing, get to sit in my ex-bible sch.. fed on the word of God and also refreshed in spirit

This week is Holy Week!
I started this week with the book Romans. As i was reading from chpter 1-6, I knew the Lord was speaking to me on chpters 5 & 6.

Chpter5 - talks about through 1 man's disobedience, sin came into the world. And through 1 man's death, there is now a doorway to be saved eternally and be reconciled back with the Father.

chpter6- baptism: the dying of the life and the resurraction of a new life. This is not something new to me but it is a reminder of this good fri and Easter SUn. The word walking in the newness of life hits me.

This Passion wk is not just a rememberence of what Christ did but is also a reminder of how i shld be living this life out especially being baptised, now an ambassador of His great harvest.

This is my prayer for 2008: " Search Me O Lord, Help Me of Lord! Teach Me to walk in Your ways. Mold me into the likeness of CHrist as i desire to walk in the newness of Life that You have given to me through your Son, J.C!" Amen

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Home Sweet Home...

I been back for 4days already... adjusting to the hot & sticky Spore...

I feel different this trip back home... I can't describe but probably i am just no longer the same... I am happy to be back home but not as happy as i thought i would be. Its always nice to be catching up with friends and hear how's their lives been and where God is leading them into...

I enjoyed most so far is to go for cell. I guess i just miss this kind of fellowship and seeing new faces. I believe this trip, God is also molding me and using me to influence others & bless others too.

There are some things in my heart that i desire to do & i think is what the Lord is placing on my heart... Some people i will intentionally meet up with them... some things are on my heart & i trust the Lord will speak to me to them on the very day i meet them...

Many people said that they can see that i have a great radiance and seem even happier. I guess is the excitment of knowing that i am in the right place at the right time. On the other hand is also the excitment for my wedding preparations... thou i dunno really know where to start hahahha

I do feel alittle selfish on my part for leaving my mom all alone in Spore and also my dad asked me why can't i work in Spore and yet still doing what i am doing now... its hard to explain it in chinese and what more he is a pre-believer. Pray alongside with me for my dad to understand and come to know the Lord. I will have to say it is difficult to share the gospel to your love ones and what more i dun really have a relationship with him(some of u will know what i mean). I am struggling in this area...

Oh tue-thur i will be in Johor for workshop & Yesh!!! I will be roomates with Aunty Pat hahaahah(oops)

Time for catch up with Pat. I know Pat for like 10years & our relationship grew from me being a member of a cell and she is my cgl to now, a level of intimacy that we ask each other about our walk with God & calling all these... I really appreciate her very much and i Thank God for her. Times really fly so fast... from Jars of Clay and now both of us are in full time. Its really nice & beautiful to see how the Lord mold us individually and bring us crosspaths & producing a beautiful relationship... oh man... though i am still in Spore, i know i am going to miss her very much after this trip...

me again but just another country for a time being... glo

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Watz after J.C Birth?

The last sat of 2007, last service of the year, i had the privilege to preach for the 1st time. What's after J.C birth? that's my sermon title. I shared on 2 verses.

John 1:14” The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory and the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Luke2:52 that “ Jesus grew in wisdom and stature , and in favor with God and men.”

We celebrate every year on the 25th Dec- Xmas, birth of Christ. And we see from John 1:14 that the Word who is in the begining, who is also with God in the begining, became Flesh - Man. The verse doen't stop that... it continues on "... made His dwelling among us..." His purpose of becoming Man, is to Dwell Among Man. From the dwelling among man, we get to see His Glory who is Full of Grace & Truth!

J.C didn't popped out of Mary's womb as a full grown man. He is like any of us, a baby and grew. This certainly proofs He is 100% Man. From Luke 2:52, we see that Christ grew Spiritually too. J.C didn't just grew physically, He grew spiritually too. We do not see the childhood of J.C but we sure know while His childhood period is missing in the bible, we know He was growing-up physically and spiritually too. J.C spent 30yrs growing before re-appearing when John the baptise was baptising.

J.C took 30yrs and continued growing in His last 3yrs of ministry. J.C being 100% God & 100% has definitely displayed His full life on earth- growing Spiritually, what more we as men, shouldn't we be growing too?

God doesn't expect us to change or grow immediately or over night.... We see tt J.C took years to change... we should have that attitude of we are the clay, He is the Potter, shaping, molding us each year.

Challenge: What's after J.C birth? CHange! Growth!

Are we going to just let this coming new year to pass us with no change? Let's not let the borth of J.C & His death invain... The next time we celebrate Xmas, we know is also a celebration of our spiritual growth through His birth & death.

From this sermon prep, i have learnt so much from it. i wrote this here to share with u what's on the Father's Heart. And especially for this brand new year - 2008.

Happy New Year & Blessed New Year!

together we grow in Him...
