Thursday, August 16, 2012

Recap of my pregnancy journey- Trimester 2 & 3

During my 2nd trimester, everything is back to normal. I could eat so well and I have some cravings. I was craving for stingray, Satay... basically all the local food. Indeed it was the best time to travel too. I was "bless" to go on a trip to Perth. Though I can eat but I still have to be careful. I avoid all raw seafood. I had to eat well done steaks which was a waste to the juicy tender steaks in Perth. Nothing big whoo haa about it in 2nd trimester. But it was in mine 2nd trimester, I feel more of him moving in me. I also remembered watching his little movements during the ultra sound, I saw his little tiny hand waving. Tears start rolling down my cheeks. I'm so humbled by the wonderful creation by our Almighty Lord has bless me with. Literally, a little life was formed within me. In my 3rd trimester, I was superbly tire. I sleep long hours and I too ate alot more and more cravings too. And this was also the start of many more kickings by my little one in me. I recalled calling his name and singing to him, he would move from left to right of my tummy. Then came to the last few weeks before my due date, there was a feeling of "missing". I would miss having this little one in me. I would miss having a "balloon". I would miss all the kickings in me. I had all my stuff packed and a "ready- to- go" bag. On 21st May 2012 I woke up early and went to the wash room. I took a leak discovered spotting and mom said I could be in labor. Then came waves of labor pain. As this is my first child, I didn't know it was labor pain. But it was consistent and I thought I could be in labor. I bear the waves of pain insisting of not going to the hospital that early. I ate a heavy breakfast and bear with the increasing pain. I also had to contact my aunt to give me a lift to the hospital. It was about 245pm when I left home. at 315pm I went to report that I could be in labor and was asked to go to the labor ward for observation as my due date was supposed to be 27th May and it could be false labor. I was told by the nurse that it could take up to an hour to determine if I was in real labor. So hubby was waiting and I was inside. The nurse told me i could use my hp and I was "oops" its all with hubby. So i thought to myself i'm going to be very bored. But I was not as the pain increases and the gap of the labor gets intense. I am already dilated by 5cm. The doctor was shocked and I was pushed to go and give birth. I refused the epidural and the feeling of wanting to push with no doctors around came. I held the side railings of the bed and I couldn't shout at all. All i did was squeeze the railings and make noise like as if someone was attacking me covering my mouth. The doctor came and had to give me an "IV" drip and it was like all "hell" broke out in the room. It was in short notice that they were not very ready but I was all ready and the little one in me simply wants to come out. My water bag burst. " The head is out" I heard the nurse shouted. "Just one long push and that will do" she shouted. They help me with my hands to hold my ankles and I pushed. Out came my little Jayden at 5.21pm. All the pain just simply buried under the overwhelming joy. It was all worth it.

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Pregnancy Journey thus far

Missed my period but didn't feel it is abnormal because I been traveling for the past month so just didn't bother about it. About 2 weeks later, still not here... had a very strong feeling that I could be pregnant and bought a pregnancy kit to test it out.

Yup to my surprise, it is positive. But knowing the product from this country, do make me think twice. So decide to buy another one and try, hahaha same results.

So Loong and I make an appointment to a local private hospital - Alka. And its confirmed!

My 1st Trimester in N.p

Initially I do crave for spicy food especially curry!!! So cooked curry & ate. Then not too long in 2weeks time, I couldn't stand the smell of lots of things. I thank God I did not vomit much just no appetite.

I lost a total of 4-5kg. Never have I hit below 50kg for over 13years. ( I was 50kg when I was 13yrs old)
I was simply resting in bed most of the time and didn't have much strength.

Eventhough I was weak physically, I was and am very very excited and Thanking God for this gift of life in me.

Every month I had to go for my check-up, the scans couldn't see much just a "lump" which cannot show much of the feature of the baby.

In 2012 Jan

After returning from N.p, made an appointment to KK through polyclinic in order to get subsidy. It is almost half the price so thank God for the subsidy.

The first appointment didn't allow us to have any scan but just blood test of Loong's and mine. Then about a week or two later, made another appointment to scan.

I am very excited! I saw the features of the baby and baby was very very active. That was then, we knew the baby's gender. Is a HE!!! Tears were forming in my eyes after a long time I have not seen my scan and seeing him grown and actively moving, I was touched and was grateful to God for this life and the privilege to be carrying this child in me.

Loong and I started praying for a name since we know the gender. Within 2 weeks, we both agreed on "Jayden". In Hebrew, Jayden means Thankful & Grateful. In short Jay, in Sankrit means Victorious.

My appetite grew lots more when I returned back to Singapore. I ate and ate and within a few weeks I put on to my normal weight and inches started to grow around my waist.

2nd Trimester was very smooth and had a good time traveling.

Now entering into my 3rd Trimester... about 30weeks

I weigh 61kg, 37inches big. The size and position of my pregnancy is on the lower side and smaller too. Many people are shocked to see that I am pretty small for a 3rd trimester.

Jayden is growing well, average weight. a week ago, went for a scan and check, Jayden weighs 1.4kg.

Each time I play music for him to listen, he will be dancing in me. Whenever Daddy Loong sings or even reads him a proverbs, Jayden too will be moving in me.

Last night, 19th March, he kicked me very hard for a few times ever.

Looking at the recent scan, he does look a lot more like Daddy. His nose especially, big. His lips are a little of mine and daddy's.

I look forward to see him in 1.5months time.

Jayden, Mommy and Daddy love you very much even before you are born. Eventhough is incomparable to how much God loves us even before we were in our mother's womb, but a percentage of it simply brings me the warmth and assurance of God's love for us once again through this experience.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Jaydon is his name...

Both Loong and I been looking through names and pray... over weeks after weeks. But one day, something in my spirit says look out for the meaning of Jaydon.

Jaydon, a Hebrew name which means, Grateful, Thankfulness. Then because Thais will have nickname, we were looking what does Jay mean.

Jay= Victory (derive from Sankrit)

Through our little gift from God, even before he is born, we had to learn the journey of Gratefulness and Thankfulness. And by doing so, we indeed found Victory through our prayer lives and also a decision making.

While I was in Perth, God was speaking to me through one of A.W Tozer's book writing about The Rest in the Cross.

It is not something new but the way its written just Blow my mind. When we look at the Cross, the first thing that most of us will look at as the suffering of Christ, some would say the Divine Exchange.

Because of The Cross, Jesus said "It is Finished". Christ has finished, completed, accomplished. So what is our position now?! A Position of Rest. No longer do we need to work earn His acceptance, we are already accepted because of the finish work.

Just yesterday, when I was sharing table with a lady, she asked if my pregnancy is a Boy? And I told her "Yes" and later asked what work am i doing and I shared openly with her that I am a "M" and was in Np. The next question she asked is,
" Is it very difficult and suffering?"

Humanly speaking it is a challenge to my comfort zone, is it a road of suffering? Human terms can be in some ways but what is suffering when I Look at the Cross.

Yesterday's sermon was also on the Topic of the Cross. Our discomforts is nothing compare to the suffering of what Christ did for me on the cross.

Once again, is a new season and a new chapter for me. Going to be a Mom soon, a little step behind in terms of ministry...etc Not just that, re-entering a country I was and still in love with, new group of people working with. Lots of transition. I am once challenge out of my comfort zone. If i operate from a "works" perspective, Yes it is going to be really tough and tiring. But I am reminded that Christ did all the work already. All I need is to rest.

After being in Spore for a few months, the lifestyle of sporrans are generally unhealthy. In Np, is time rich whereas Spore is time poor. So what do I actually want in my life? I choose to spend my time with people I love. I may not be earning lots of money but I want to see and disciple my child to be god fearing and guide him to walk in God's way.

Instead of looking at having a stable monthly income, we decide to take the step of Faith not because we have great faith but we have heard Him calling us.

It is irony, "obedience is better than sacrifice" we tend to think, agree, believed that when we obey God, we are actually sacrificing but this is not the case in this verse. Obedience is not an act of sacrifice because there is no works of giving up, losing out at all. Rather Obedience is simply following in a restful manner because everything is done by Christ at the Cross.

When God calls, He has already have all the blueprint, resources ALL done up. But yet we being fallen man, fail to see that and see obedience as a sacrifice.

As a family, we have made our decision and with Jaydon, is to always remind us "In everything, Give Thanks"

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Gift to you...

When I was serving in the Himalayans, many asked when am i going to plan for a child.
Both Loong and I knew that we will only have a child after completing our season in the himalayans. While we thought in our human minds, only after we return back to Thailand, God has His own timing.

During our last 3months before completing our season, there was such voice in the spirit that says, "My Gift to you..." and later, indeed was a gift of a child.
This gift not only brought joy to our lives but also a sign from God that we were drawing near to the end of Season in the Himalayan. We both were not overjoyed about ending our season. It was tough, especially for me.

Looking back now, I know it was a clear sign for me to "let go" and time for a period of rest in Him.